Bury St Edmunds Methodist Circuit


All the Bury St Edmunds Methodist churches hold Sunday services; lead by an enriching dynamic of characters with differing experiences and insights -                 Ordained Presbyters, Supernumerary Ministers, Local Preachers, Worship Leaders.  

The Circuit thrives on a diversity of worship styles - the traditional Five hymn liturgical services, contemplative worship, eco services,  all age family worship, cafe church, and everything in between.  

We seek to use a language of words that is inclusive and reflective and spoken with care. In every Circuit Church a servcie of Holy Communion is held at last once a month to which ALL are welcome. As with Methodist Tradition the Fruit of the Vine is used - yet it is non-alcoholic. 

There's time afterwards to quietly nip out if you need and continue your day with what you need to do, or you'd be welcome to have a cup of tea or coffee and chat. 

We are a diverse, friendly group of people. Please see the page 'Circuit Plan' for times and further details.