Bury St Edmunds Methodist Circuit

About Us - Ordained Ministerial Staff

Rev Jason Vinyard

Superintendent: Rev Canon Jason C Vinyard

Superintendent Presbyter, Spiritual Director, Pastoral Supervisor, Ecumenical Canon St Edmundsbury Cathedral: finding the sacred in what we often call the ordinary; and all the bits that don't make sense; and all the pieces that do. Synchronicities, contradictions, all fusing endlessly and intwining everything  - and all the time. With a background in Landscaping, Design and Construction - at one in the garden holding the enriching humus - living -  and feeling the whole cosmos is withn the soil. Watching a spider, listening to the sound, and then asking 'tell me what you know, you have wisdom'. I guess you're wondering why I've not mentioned Church, Jesus of Nazareth - the Christ? Keep wondering - it's good for the Soul. Peace and All Good with YOU.

Pastorally with Trinity and Northumberland Avenue Bury St Edmunds, and Ixworth Methodist Chapel. 

Rev Ruth Ridge

Rev Ruth Ridge

Pastorally in charge of St John's, Sudbury, Glemsford and Bradfield.

I'm minister with pastoral charge for churches in Sudbury (St John's), Bradfield and Glemsford.  I'm in my 14th year of ministry and live just outside Sudbury with my husband James, son Joshua and three cats and two rabbits.  I love the engagements and encounters that ministry brings and I enjoy  meeting new people as well as developing pastoral care within the church family.  I'm passionate about working together with other Christians from different backgrounds to serve the community, as I feel a shared witness can be very powerful and I'm very involved with Churches Together in Sudbury and District.  I appreciate opportunities to share and deepen faith through discussion and bible study, especially when it relates to current issues and practical action.  In my spare time I love walking, birdwatching, photography and cooking and I like to link these interests with my ministry in terms of hospitality, creative worship and an interest in green theology.


   Rev Rita Carr

Rev Rita Carr

Pastorally in charge of Stowmarket, Old Newton and Christchurch in Needham Market.

I am the minister in the Stowmarket area.  Stowmarket is known as the ‘Heart of Suffolk’.  It is a small market town surrounded by small villages and another small town Needham Market. My pastoral responsibilities are with Stowmarket, Old Newton and Christchurch LEP in Needham Market.  As church in this place we seek to serve the local community by offering our buildings as a place for worship, prayer and spirituality as well as offering our buildings as a venue for groups to meet. Our theology is to look closely at God’s creation and seek to be as Eco friendly as we can, whilst working towards the A Rocha Eco Church awards. You will find a warm welcome, Fairtrade tea and coffee, hospitality is our speciality.    

Tel: 01284 731082          Email: here