Bury St Edmunds Methodist Circuit


Image result for A RochaBury Eco Methodists Event








Be ECO Me because what will become of the world if I do not play my part?


Be ECO Me so that the world and I may together become everything that God has planned for us!



Having received our Certificate of Registration as an Eco Circuit, we are conciously working towards our Bronze award.  St John’s Sudbury have a Silver award,  Stowmarket and Old Newton have Bronze awards. 

We shared news of the Eco church scheme at the May meeting of Stowmarket Churches Together.  As a result, the URC church in the town has now joined up to the scheme too.

In the recent survey put out by the East Anglia District many churches underestimated what they are doing, or the content of their worship.  You are probably doing more than you think you are for the environment!

During our recent Local preachers and worship leaders meeting, and at Circuit Meeting,  a survey was carried out to discover a rough survey of miles driven.  The results are interesting and food for thought.  The overall message for meetings is about car sharing, and filling with passengers wherever possible - be this for large scale meetings across the circuit or local study groups.

Local Preachers and Worship Leaders Meeting - Northumberland Avenue 

Participants:        13    Cars:  7

Total miles travelled:                     92

Average miles per person             7.1 miles

Average people per car:                1.9 per car

Circuit Meeting - Northumberland Avenue.

Participants:       21     Cars:  15

Total miles travelled:      245

Average miles per person: 16 miles         

Average people per car:  1.4 per car




·        An Environmental Policy  (eg Travel, environmental performance of manses, commitment to reducing carbon emissions) has been written and is being considered. 

·    Circuit Office operates on reduce, reuse, recycle principles; and uses carbon neutral, recycled paper.

·    Presbyters and local preachers have taken part in courses addressing environmental issues, and these issues will continue to be addressed through staff and Local Preachers and Worship leaders’ meetings.

·    Across the circuit we have held special Eco Services both inside and outside our church buildings, working with ARocha's site FoxEarth Meadows Nature Reserve.  

     For more information about how the Methodist Church is responding to Eco Circuit please click here Eco Circuit - Eco Church (arocha.org.uk) and here Environment and Climate Change (methodist.org.uk) 

 There are many interesting and informative resources available on the Methodist website 

Environment and Climate Change (methodist.org.uk).  

Understand the issues (methodist.org.uk)

Prayers (methodist.org.uk)

Take action: become an Eco Church (methodist.org.uk)

Net Zero Carbon (methodist.org.uk)

Stories of hope (methodist.org.uk)

Action for Hope (methodist.org.uk)

God's World, Our Home (methodist.org.uk)

Other environmental resources and campaigns (methodist.org.uk)

Ethical investment (methodist.org.uk)

     What changes have you as a church family or as individuals, made to Rethink, refuse, reduce, reuse, repair or recycle?  What further steps can you make?  It is important to share ideas with, and encourage, each other.